Joining the ASEAN Business Awards (ABA) can make all the difference for large, medium, small and micro enterprises alike. Many of the most recognized businesses and the up and coming ones across the ASEAN are amongst the ABA’s past awardees. Here are five reasons why applying for the ASEAN Business Awards will be worth your while:
1) Exposure
For many awardees, the ABA is the launching pad for greater opportunities for their business. With the ABA’s vast and diverse audience, being amongst the businesses who are widely recognized definitely brings in more interest in one’s business.
2) Validation
Garnering an ABA award validates the hardwork, growth and impact entrepreneurs have poured in into their ventures. Validation leads many entrepreneurs to push forward and expand their businesses into greater heights.
3) Network
The circle of awardees and even finalists for the awards are amongst the best of the best in any country and perhaps, the whole region. Furthermore, receiving an ABA award can earn you the much needed credibility and respect amongst your peers.
4) Knowledge
Learning about ventures and best practices from different ventures across the many industries present in the ASEAN can help one’s business develop as well. Also, the panel process can also allow you to know more about your own business. With that knowledge, one can easily amplify on their business’ strengths and improve on their weaknesses.
5) Going Global
Through the ABA, many businesses interested in expanding their markets beyond their borders can have their starting point. Because the ABA is the biggest business awarding exclusively for the ASEAN, being recognized will mean one’s business is up to par with global standards. Furthermore, being exposed to the ABA’s global community will mean business owners will get insider tips on how to go global and improve their businesses.