ASEAN Tourism Association (ASEANTA)

The ASEAN Tourism Association (ASEANTA) was formed on 27th March 1971 as a non-profit tourism association comprising 35 members from both public and private tourism sector organizations, such as national travel associations, national hotel associations, airlines and National Tourism Organisations from ASEAN Countries. ASEANTA plays an integral role in shaping travel and tourism development within the ASEAN region inline with the ASEAN Tourism Strategic Plan with following objectives:

• Unite our members in common purpose, working in a close bond of cooperation, fellowship and assistance in furthering and protecting the interest of our members.

• Strive towards the attainment of the highest standards of service and facilities for travelers and tourists.

• Uphold the dignity and ethics of the tourism business and strive towards its professionalism.

• Foster and maintain the best of relationships among the ASEAN countries and their people.

• Encourage, support and help develop tourism into and within the ASEAN region.

• Act as a negotiating body for members of the Association and to make recommendations to government departments or Agencies or other bodies in relation to any measure which may be taken involving members and/or the travel industry in ASEAN countries.

• Serve on or offer assistance to any government, statutory or International body in connection with tourism matters.


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