ASEAN BAC 2018, Singapore Chairmanship

ASEAN BAC 2018, Singapore Chairmanship

By yenfei •

January 28, 2018

ASEAN BAC 2018, Singapore Chairmanship

ASEAN BAC 2018, Singapore Chairmanship

By yenfei •

January 28, 2018

Handover by Mr Joey Concepcion (Philippines Chairman) to Dr Robert Yap (Singapore Chairman), witness by Singapore Minister Lim Hng Kiang, Minister for Trade and Industry (Trade)

ASEAN 2018 Logo

The 2018 ASEAN logo embodies the spirit of connectivity. The stylised design was formed by connecting the ten ASEAN member states, the link signify the collective resilience of an inter-connected ASEAN.


The logo’s pink and lavender colours are a mix of red, blue, and white. The combination of these colours demonstrates ASEAN’s unity and innovativeness. In addition, Lavender is commonly associated with dignity, passion, vitality, representing a dynamic, innovative and vibrant ASEAN Community.

  • Red symbolises strength and equality
  • Blue represents trust and stability
  • White is a symbol of peace.


ASEAN 2018 tagline is “Resilient and Innovative”. It encapsulates the vision for ASEAN united in the face of growing uncertainties in the global strategic landscape. ASEAN must be adaptable and forward looking, so to harness the opportunities and manage challenges from disruptive digital technologies, to equip our citizen with skills in building a future-ready ASEAN and boosting our capabilities in making a smarter cities.

Singapore Five Economic Key Areas in 2018

i.  Promote Innovation & e-Commerce

Promote innovation, build up digital connectivity and facilitate e-Commerce flows to benefit businesses, especially MSMEs

ii.  Improve Trade Facilitation

Pursue initiatives that facilitate seamless trade and movement of goods within ASEAN. Such as further enhancement of intra-ASEAN trade, reduce trade transaction costs, and facilitate the digitalisation of trade procedures within ASEAN.

iii.  Deepen Services & Investment Integration

Widen opportunities in the region, enhance ASEAN’s investment environment, and promote Southeast Asia as a vibrant cruising destination

iv.  Cultivate a Conducive Regulatory

To cultivate a conducive regulatory regime to support the growth of competitive, dynamic and innovative ASEAN

v.  Progress ASEAN External Relations

Deepen ASEAN’s ties with external partners while preserving ASEAN centrality
